SEISYUN-B's informations

a new wallpapers created by marche koyama


Today , we have renewed informations of desktop wallpaper.

New desktop wallpapers created by marche koyama

informations of desktop wallpaper is written by Japanese language only.

If you can't understand Japanese language , please look for "download" and click on "download".

seisyunBroccoli is a software to get webfeeds(RSS/Atom).This is valued being simple and being easy.
Registered webfeeds are permuted in date and You can read summary description(around 200 letters).
This is a freeware for non-commercial and personal use(not use for business purposes).

Software is here

a new wallpapers created by keicocco


Today , we have renewed informations of desktop wallpaper.

New desktop wallpapers created by keicocco

informations of desktop wallpaper is written by Japanese language only.

If you can't understand Japanese language , please look for "download" and click on "download".

a new creator "madoka momota"


Today, we have renewed top page creator site links.

A new creator is "madoka momota" whose website is madoka momota illustration.

I wish that you see this site.

a new creator "hisae"


Today, we have renewed top page creator site links.

A new creator is "hisae" whose website is alcali.

I wish that you see this site.

a new start


"SEISYUN-B" is Japanese group which has purpose to make people get creative life.

SEISYUN-B Website has been Japanese version only since July 2006.

But , today , we has opened English version.

SEISYUN-B introduces Japanese creators by various ways(screenshot , widget , wallpaper...).
Because we believe that their works show people beautiful factor(freedom , tenderness , hope...).

SEISYUN-B introduces 123 Japanese creators now.
The number of creators introduced will increase one after another.

Let's enjoy creative life!

Thank you for your time.

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